Herts Cricket Academy > Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy

Herts Cricket Academy employs effective behaviour management strategies to enhance the well-being and enjoyment of children participating in our Holiday Camps and cricket coaching courses. In collaboration with parents, our objective is to promote socially acceptable behaviour using clear, consistent, and positive methods.

During their time at a camp or coaching session, both children and adults are expected to:

  • Demonstrate socially acceptable behaviour.
  • Adhere to the camp’s policies and procedures.
  • Show respect to one another, embracing differences in race, gender, ability, age, and religion.
  • Seek assistance when needed.

All our Camps/Sessions are dedicated to fostering and actively endorsing good behaviour through coach role modelling and mutual respect among coaches and children. By cultivating a culture of sharing, caring, and clear expectations, we aim to minimise incidents of bullying, name-calling, or aggression.

Establishing well-defined boundaries appropriate to each child’s understanding helps children become aware of routines and expectations.

It is essential that one child’s behaviour does not pose a risk to other children in the group by diverting the attention of supervising staff. Parents are encouraged to provide relevant information about their children’s behavioural traits during registration or when significant changes occur.

Children will be educated about the impact of their behaviour on others, and discussions and distraction techniques will be employed when addressing behavioural issues. Children will never be subjected to undue stress, humiliation, segregation, or any form of physical punishment. Incident sheets will be used to document cases requiring physical intervention, and these records will be retained and made available to parents.

In cases where a child’s behaviour raises concerns among coaching staff, the following steps will be taken:

  • The child will receive a verbal warning and an explanation of why their behaviour is deemed unacceptable.
  • If the issue persists, parents will be notified.
  • Coaches will continue to monitor and document incidents while keeping parents informed.
  • If there is no improvement, a meeting will be arranged between the parents and the Head of Coaching.
  • In rare cases where behaviour does not improve, we reserve the right to exclude the child temporarily or permanently from the camp/session.
  • Verbal and/or physical abuse against colleagues or other children will not be tolerated and may result in immediate exclusion.
  • In instances of extremely anti-social behaviour, temporary or permanent exclusion may be enforced without delay.
